Sweetest Nightmare

Berani Bermimpi adalah Berani Mengambil Risiko dan Kesempatan

As You Walk Away

Today I played my part again
I was there for my friend
She cried on my shoulder today
Anything to make her feel ok.
I play so strong to try and understand
How sometime life is grand.

I almost cried today
I did not make it through this day.
In the morning I wake to the sounds
of which I hate the sounds of love in the air
I wonder even if I dare,
I roll out of bed today
Thats all I remember from that day.

As you turn and walk away
I tell myself that im ok
My heart is crying
My head is screaming
My hands are shaking
But, I make it through another day.

As I go through the day
I say that every thing’s ok
I try to smile and fade away all the tears I feel today.

As I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
So it can feel the pain
I made it through another day.

Waking up I feel the same and just say
I will make it through another day.

I see them laugh and holding hands
Oh how I wish I could stand
To be around the joy and glee
But it’s no longer inside of me.

I tell myself I’ve moved on
I tell myself that I’m strong
And that I can hold on.

If only someone could take my hand
The thought of them touching me
Leaves me in pain u see,
To never to be able to trust a man
To never let u hold my hand.

I cannot let u see all there is inside of me
Because if I take down the walls inside of me
I might just crumble and fall
And there will be nothing left of me
So I tell u that I’m fine
And hold back the tears inside.

Here in my room while I sleep
I think of the most important things
The things I think before I wake.
I was crying again today
For only while I sleep do
I let the tears seep from my eyes I wonder why u look at me.

I pray to Lord to take..
Take the pain from my eyes
Let me not break down and cry
For I am strong today
So I can make it through just one more day.
picture from here


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Asmara Nengke
Solo, Indonesia
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